ART STORIES _ Digital education

These apps lead kids – and the adults with them – through history and around some landmarks. They introduce the past in a fun and thorough way, and suggest themes and itineraries. They can be used as an illustrated book at home, to discover more about history; they can be used on site, as a fun guide; or you can use them at your leisure to play; at school, they well serve as a springboard for learning.

Castello Sforzesco

Duomo di Milano

Avventure in Antico Egitto


Digital games that explore art and architecture. Through play and interaction, kids can learn about different works of art, monuments, cities and cultures. Children learn to look and recognise key elements by simply playing. Use these games to explore the world in a new way.

Art Stories Città

World Food

Il mio diario di viaggio



Art Stories apps are aimed at an international audience of families with school-age children. We can also advise organisations and companies that want to reach this audience, and develop individual projects with custom-made content, themes and interactives.

Palazzo Marino Kids

Art Stories Faces


Sacro Monte Kids